candlesticks formations
The 1-2-3 Strategy

The 1-2-3 strategy is a simple system based on a 3 point chart pattern. When looking at a 1-2-3 downward pattern, the 1 would be at the highest and for a 1-2-3 up, 1 would be at the lowest based on the swing in the pattern. See the diagrams below for more information. Usually the […]
Pinocchio Binary Options Trading Strategy

This strategy is worked on a specific type of candle. A Pinocchio bar (aka Pin bar) had a long wick (nose) and a small body. The wick part becomes longer as a price goes in one direction and then retraces. Based on the length of the wick, the probability of the price going in the […]
Three White Soldiers and Three Black Crows Trading Strategy

Normally, the Three Black Crows Pattern in an uptrend signals the bearish reversal of the trend. And, in a downtrend, it signals the continuation of the trend in the same direction. In this way, the traders are able to identify the movement of a prevailing trend. If you use it effectively in your binary trading, […]
Trading Candlestick Formations

By far in binary options trading, candlestick formations are regarded as the most effective ways to carry out the technical analysis. To give you an insight into the swings of price action in the market, these candlesticks are used by the experts. It actually represents the instincts related to the price action of a particular […]