price action

This EUR/USD price action strategy is suitable for traders who are more experienced. You would need to use resistance and support lines as well as time patterns to make a profit when trading EUR/USD. This is not a purely mechanical strategy and needs some know-how to be used effectively. There is one indicator only and […]

Using a strategy that combines technical indicators as well as a price action style of trading gives you the best of both when it comes to trading. This is what the double trouble +1 strategy is about. All of your technical indicators are actually derived from the actual price. They interpret the prices in a […]

By far in binary options trading, candlestick formations are regarded as the most effective ways to carry out the technical analysis. To give you an insight into the swings of price action in the market, these candlesticks are used by the experts. It actually represents the instincts related to the price action of a particular […]